Category: Blog
Polygraph Examiner Warren Ferland Appointed to Maine’s Polygraph Examiners Advisory Board
Ferland and Ranhoff Professional Associates are proud to announce that their associate, Polygraph Examiner, Warren W. Ferland, was recently appointed by Governor Paul R. LePage to Maine’s Polygraph Examiners Advisory Board, effective September 9, 2016. The Polygraph Examiners Advisory Board, as established by Title 5, section 12004-I, subsection 74-H, shall act as an advisory board … Continued
Differences Between Screening & Diagnostic Exams
Our polygraph examiners at Ferland and Ranhoff Professional Associates have extensive experience administering diagnostic and screening polygraph examinations. Diagnostic Polygraph Examinations differ from Screening Examinations, such as Pre-Employment or Post Conviction Sex Offender Examinations in that Screening Examinations focus questions on an examinee’s different behaviors. For example, the focus of the examination questions may be specific … Continued
Domestic Violence Polygraph Testing
Ferland and Ranhoff Professional Associate’s polygraph examiners have developed a Domestic Violence Polygraph Monitoring Program similar to programs used in several states. We are prepared and committed to helping to lower domestic violence recidivism and domestic violence-related homicide rates. Our polygraph monitoring program can be implemented either pre-conviction through deferred disposition or post-conviction while the … Continued
The Use of Polygraph in Civil Matters
Polygraph testing has been a useful tool in many different types of civil applications. Couples often confer with polygraph experts and want to schedule polygraph testing regarding fidelity issues. Although many couples are convinced that they need polygraph testing to continue with their relationship, we at Ferland and Ranhoff Professional Associates offer a different philosophy. We … Continued